What is a Panic Attack?

Common Signs of Panic Attack

What is a Panic Attack? I often get asked this question in therapy sessions. People are often confused on what an actual Panic Attack is. Typically, a panic attack is a very intense 3-5 minutes of severe anxiety. Usually panic attacks include physical symptoms such as Rapid Heartbeat, Shakiness, out of body experience, Dizziness, Nausea and Sweating.  Panic attacks can be caused by one trigger such as a Phobia (specific fear) or it can be accumulation on several stressors over time. The best way to manage panic attacks is to notice your external or internal triggers and listening to your body. Our bodies tend to send us signals when we are anxious or worried that are important. It is possible to have some panic symptoms without having a full-blown panic attack. Therapy can help you identify the triggers for panic attacks. Therapy can also teach you strategies to better manage your anxiety.


If you need help managing Panic Attacks, please call us to schedule your free 15-minute consultation.


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