3 Common Symptoms of Social Anxiety

Are you struggling with Social Anxiety? Here are 3 Common Symptoms to look out for

1.     Excessive Worry

Worry about being judged in social situations. Unable to shut down over-thinking after social situations. This can lead to problems falling asleep of staying asleep after social situation.


2.     Avoidance

Usually avoiding social situations to manage anxiety only makes social anxiety worst. The more you avoid the more effort it will usually take to attend a social situation. As you are not getting an opportunity to practice coping or helpful skills. Your confidence may also suffer as you miss more and more events.


3.     Physical Symptoms

Feeling sweaty, heart, palpitations, fast breathing can be signs of anxiety. At times social anxiety can trigger panic attacks. This is a strong message your body is sending to you letting you know that anxiety needs to be paid attention to.


Therapy can help you manage these symptoms. If you are ready to learn to manage anxiety, please contact us to schedule your free 15-minute consultation.





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