4 Misconceptions about Therapy

1.     It’s for Crazy people. Therapy is a form of self-care when we are experiencing life stress, anxiety, or challenges in managing everyday life. Unlike talking to a friend, a therapist is trained to help you navigate challenging life stress and more serious mental health issues such as anxiety or depression. Therapy is for anyone needing support, healing, or wanting personal growth.

2.     It’s too time consuming. With the convenience of telehealth sessions are a lot more accessible to busy adults. Most sessions are 1 time per week and usually 45 to 60 mins in duration. However, depending on your goals in therapy it may be as little a 1-2 times per month. Most of us spend more than 60 mins per week on social media.  

3.     It won’t help. Most people see improvements in their mental health usually by the 8th session. If you are not making progress in your sessions, it’s best to talk to your therapist and consider changing goals or changing to another provider.

4.      I will have to go forever to therapy. Most people that enter therapy have goals in mind. Once you reach those goals you can usually end or take a break from therapy.  Therapy is not meant to be forever. The goal of therapy is for you not to need therapy and be able to function as the best version of yourself without it.


Hope this was helpful to you. Please contact me with questions.


Benefits of Online Therapy


Finding a therapist